Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Island (2005)

The Island tells the story of a future world where wealthy citizens have the option to have themselves cloned in order to insure they have a guaranteed matching source for organs, blood, or any other replacement body parts that may be needed. While this sounds like a great medical advancement in theory, the reality is the "insurance policies" of these affluent people are actual living, breathing, and feeling human beings who have to be murdered in order for the original person to have their replacement body part. The clones are deceived into believing they are being held away due to a worldwide contamination. The only other uncontaminated place is known as the Island, and periodically one or several of the clones will "win" a lottery ticket to go to this island. In actuality, they are being killed for their organs. When two of the clones escape and learn the truth of their situation, they attempt to free the others and tell everyone they can about the conspiracy while being hunted down by those in charge at the Utopian facility from which they came. [imdb]

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